Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My McCain Man

I have been hesitant to jump on the John McCain bandwagon, and as of this posting my feet are still firmly on the ground.

However, with responses like this letter to Wunderkind Barack Obama, I might be taking a first stride toward the steps of the “Straight Talk Express” bandwagon.


It is refreshing for someone other than Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid to call someone out, in person, by name without the veiled references to “my opponent.”

I understand why President Bush is hesitant to “name names,” he is trying to remain above the fray, act “Presidential.” However, this does not give a pass to everyone else who is part of Hillary’s vast right wing conspiracy.

If McCain keeps this up, he will earn friends among those of us who have been hesitant to throw our support toward him.

Keep up the good work Senator McCain, you have nothing to lose and everything to win by sticking to your principals and calling them like you see them.


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